Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Here are some nicknames for other teams:

Detroit Dead wings
Boston Boooins
Toronto Lame Leafs
Washington Crapitals
New York Dielanders
Anaheim Duhhh-cks
Philadelphia Diers
Columbus Booooooo Jackets
Chicago Slackhawks
Calgary Lames
Pittsburgh Deadguins

Try to come up with some!

The Lost :(

The Thrashers lose 5-2. :(

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Thrashers beat the Flyers 1-0. Hedburg got a shutout. That was the first time in 15 games against them that we beat them.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The awesome win against the Dead Wings

The Thrashers had an awesome win against the Dead Wings. (Dead Wings is a nickname for the Red Wings. Look at the bottom of the page.) Afinogenov had a great pass to Antropov in the first period to make it 1-0. Kovalckuck made a pass to Kozlov, who made a five hole goal. Pavelec was phenomenal all night. He made an amazing save where he went to clear the puck and a Detroit player got the puck. He passed it to another Detroit player and Pavelec was trying to get back. The Detroit player shot and Pavelec made a huge glove save while he was laying down. He was the #1 star in the NHL that night. He was even ahead of Hossa, who had two goals in his return from surgery! He got his second shutout of his career and this season. The Thrashers are now 8-0 this season when they score the first goal of the season.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Here are all the players:
1.Peverly #47 (player of October) Center
2.Enstrom #39 Right defense
3.Kovalchuck #17 (captain) Left wing
4.Bogosian # 4 (assistant captain) Left defense
5.Popovic #3 Right defense
6.Hainsey #6 (assistant captain) Right defense
7.Salmela # Right defense
8.Afinogenov #61 Right wing
9.Little #10 Right wing
10.White #12 Center
11.Kozlov #13 ( assistant captain) Left wing
12.Thorburn #27 Right wing
13.Armstrong # 20 Right wing
14.Slater #23 Center
15.Kane #9 Left wing
16.Reasoner #19 Center
17.Kubina #77 Left defense
18.Antropov #80 Center
19.Schubert #16 Left defense
20.Boulton #36 Left wing

1.Pavelec #31
2.Moose #1

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The last two wins

On Friday the Thrashers won 7-0. Kane had two goals. Kovalchuck had two goals. Mad Max had two goals too. Bogosian also had one goal. On Sunday the Thrashers won 3-2. Bogosian had a goal. Mad Max had a goal. Kozlov had the tie breaking goal and his first goal of this season. We have had 4 goals in a row. our three next games are against the Bruins, Penguins, and Lightning.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Exelby and Colin Stuart have been traded for Pavel Kubina and Tim Stapleton and we got Nik Antropov.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I went to the Thrashers draft party at TJ's last night. I was excited that we picked Evander Kane. I can't wait to see him play. I hope he makes the team this year. Thanks to Bill and TJs for the party and the tickets/zamboni ride we won. I'm going to be the one in our family that rides the zamboni....I can't wait!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Marty Reasoner

Marty Reasoner has signed a 2 year deal with the Thrashers. Great!

Friday, June 5, 2009

There is a show about Kovalchuck's life. It is called " Under the Lights." You should check it out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ilya Kovalchuck and Russia

Ilya Kovalchuck has been playing with Russia so they could win the World Championship. Well, they won!!!! Kovalchuck was voted MVP for the whole tournament. He got 5 goals, 9 assists, and 14 points. Good job Kovalchuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


One of my favorite things to do is make up nicknames for other teams. Here they are:

  • Detroit Dead Wings
  • Boston Booins
  • Toronto Lame Leafs
  • Washington Crapitals
  • New York Dielanders
  • Anaheim Duhhhh-ks
  • Philadelphia Diers
  • Columbus Booo Jackets
  • Chicago Slackhawks
  • Calgary Lames

What ones can you create?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Will Kovalchuck sign with the Thrashers?

If Kovalchuck signs with the Thrashers again it would be great! He is our best player. I hope he realizes that we really need him on our team.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Atlanta Thrashers' last game was great. They beat Tampa Bay 6-2. I think that this was a great start for next year.Maybe if we played this good at the beggining of the season we could be in the playoffs.