Thursday, April 23, 2009


One of my favorite things to do is make up nicknames for other teams. Here they are:

  • Detroit Dead Wings
  • Boston Booins
  • Toronto Lame Leafs
  • Washington Crapitals
  • New York Dielanders
  • Anaheim Duhhhh-ks
  • Philadelphia Diers
  • Columbus Booo Jackets
  • Chicago Slackhawks
  • Calgary Lames

What ones can you create?


  1. Those nicknamez are hilarious, my favorites are the Washington Crapitals and the Aneheim duhhhh-ks

  2. Carmen, those are hilaroius, and Washington Crapitols, that's genius. That's like what I call the lawn comany, not crab apple, but crap apple.

  3. You know, I was looking at these, and what about Philedaplphia diers. Or instead of Tampa Bay lightning, Tampa Bay's Frighting, 'cause there so bad!
